Then towards the end of last year, a milkman knocked on the door one evening during the kids bathtime, to let us know he was expanding into our area and were we interested. With a baby in my arms I leaned out of our bedroom window to see who was at the door. Dear husband made it downstairs with another baby in arms to open the front door. He was about to say thanks but no thanks, when I shouted down like the voice from above that it was a brilliant idea and when could they start delivering? I was thrilled at the prospect of not having to lug milk back from the supermarket every couple of days as it really weighs the stroller down and if you try and put it in the basket under the seats it drags on the floor and often ends up splitting and therefore pouring out along the pavement on the way home. But hey there's no use crying over it.
We signed up there and then for 1 litre of full fat milk for the girls and 5 litres of semi skimmed a week for the rest of us. I felt rather posh to have a milk delivery and was pleased to be able to delete it from my online shopping order and to walk past the milk aisle in the supermarkets.
These quantities of milk seemed to work fine until the babies turned 1 and they were able to progress from formula to full fat cows milk.
We never see the milk delivery as it arrives at 5am and thankfully I am never up any more at this time of the day. The only way to communicate with Terry the milkman is by text. However I had no way of knowing how much to increase my milk order by and invariably whenever I do text him I miss out my home address so he always has to text back to ask me where he should be delivering this increased quantity.
Therefore I felt it important to put Terry in the picture. I am sure he was delighted to hear that we had twins who are now 1 and who can now drink full fat cows milk and that their mother has no idea how much they drink. I increased my order to 3 litres of full fat milk a week but warned him it may well change. I have just spent the last 3 weeks texting Terry on such a regular basis that dear husband is wondering if it is just milk that I am getting from him.
In the end we have settled on a steady 11 litres of milk a week - 6 full fat and 5 semi skimmed! This is 22 pints of milk! Of course I am sure Terry is delighted with our order and is probably sad that I seem to have stopped texting him.